Artigos Artigos War Culture in the First World War- on the Portuguese Participation - v11n2a01 Death and Politics- The Unknown Warrior at the Center of the Political Memory of the First World War in Portugal v11n2a02 The Stage of Mars- Representations of the First World War and its Social Effects in Portuguese Dramaturgy v11n2a05 The Monarchics and the Great War- practices and representations of counterpropaganda v11n2a03 The People in Arms in the People’s Entertainment- Cinema and Political Propaganda in Portugal (1916–1917) v11n2a04 In the Shadow of Independence- Portugal, Brazil, and Their Mutual Influence after the End of Empire (late 1820s-early 1840s) v11n2a07 Jorge Borges de Macedo- Problems of the History of Portuguese Economic and Political Thought in the Eighteenth-Century v11n2a06 A.H. de Oliveira Marques and the First Republic v11n2a08 Marcocci, Giuseppi & José Pedro Paiva. História da Inquisição Portuguesa. (1536-1821), Lisboa- A Esfera dos Livros, 2013. ISBN- 978-989-626-452-9. - v11n2a09
Death and Politics- The Unknown Warrior at the Center of the Political Memory of the First World War in Portugal v11n2a02
The Stage of Mars- Representations of the First World War and its Social Effects in Portuguese Dramaturgy v11n2a05
The People in Arms in the People’s Entertainment- Cinema and Political Propaganda in Portugal (1916–1917) v11n2a04
In the Shadow of Independence- Portugal, Brazil, and Their Mutual Influence after the End of Empire (late 1820s-early 1840s) v11n2a07
Jorge Borges de Macedo- Problems of the History of Portuguese Economic and Political Thought in the Eighteenth-Century v11n2a06
Marcocci, Giuseppi & José Pedro Paiva. História da Inquisição Portuguesa. (1536-1821), Lisboa- A Esfera dos Livros, 2013. ISBN- 978-989-626-452-9. - v11n2a09