Artigos Artigos Around a theme. The female community of the Order of St. James in Portugal- a journey from the late 15th century to the 16th century Brazilian Gold and the Lisbon Mint House (1720-1807) Laurent Vidal's, Mazagão, la ville qui traversa l'Atlantique- du Maroc a l'Amazonie, 1769-1783 Family genealogical memory- formation, cleansing and social reception (Portugal-16th to 18th century Nepotism, illegitimacy and papal protection in the construction of a career- Rodrigo Pires de Oliveira, bishop of Lamego (1311-1330†)
Around a theme. The female community of the Order of St. James in Portugal- a journey from the late 15th century to the 16th century
Nepotism, illegitimacy and papal protection in the construction of a career- Rodrigo Pires de Oliveira, bishop of Lamego (1311-1330†)