Virtual Centre for the Cultural Heritage of the Douro Valley

With this study we aimed at contributing to the knowledge and dissemination of the exceptional historical and monumental heritage of the regions of Bragança-Zamora, verified by the unique artistic and cultural value of the cities that compose those two regions.

CEPESE, in partnership with the Association of the Municipalities from the Cold Land of Northeast Trás-os-Montes and the Diputación de Zamora, prepared a Virtual Centre for the Cultural Heritage of the Douro Valley, co-funded by CCDRN, within the scope of Interreg III.

Aiming at bringing closer together the regions of Bragança and Zamora, this project intended to create a Virtual Centre for the joint cultural heritage – regarding the architectonic and documentary heritage – where are available the inventories of the entire documentary collection important for understanding the local and cross-border realities, as well as inventories/ routes of the architectonic heritage of these regions.

With this study it was intended to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of the exceptional historical and monumental heritage of the regions of Bragança-Zamora verified by the unique artistic and cultural value of the cities that compose those two regions; and classify and organize the scientific relevant information, in order to value internationally the monuments and spaces of undeniable heritage and cultural value in the Douro valley, promoting the exceptional historical centres of Bragança and Zamora.

This Project is already concluded and is available to researchers and public in general on the websites www.dourovirtual.com and www.duerovirtual.com.