Volume 7, number 2, Winter 2009
Judite Antonieta Gonçalves de Freitas
Portuguese Royal Chancellery in the late middle ages: diplomatic and political society (1970-2005)
Susana Münch Miranda
Centre and periphery in the administration of the royal exchequer of Estado da Indida (1517-1640)
Ángel Alloza Aparicio
Gilberta Pavão Nunes Rocha e Eduardo Ferreira
Azorean emigration in the context of social change: some notes from the press in São Miguel (1920-1950).REVIEW ARTICLES
Ana Paula Laborinho
Koiso, Kioko, Mar, Medo e Morte: aspectos psicológicos dos náufragos na História Trágico-Marítima, nos testemunhos inéditos e noutras fontes, 2 vols., Cascais, Patrimoia, 2004.Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo
Marques, João Pedro, The Sounds of Silence: Nineteenth-century Portugal and the Abolition of the Salve Trade. Translated by Richard Wall, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2006
João Paulo Oliveira e Costa
Brockey, Liam Matthew, (ed.) Portuguese Colonial cities in the Early Modern World, Farhnam, Ashggate, 2008