Political and Economic Relations of Portugal with Russia (1779-1834)

This project aims at studying the political, diplomatic and economic relations of Portugal with Russia since the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia until the definite establishment of Liberalism in Portugal (1779-1834).

This project, which counted with the support of Real Companhia Velha, aims at studying the political, diplomatic and economic relations of Portugal with Russia, since the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia until the definite establishment of Liberalism in Portugal (1779-1834), a period during which Real Companhia Velha played an important role in opening up the economic relations between the two countries, the establishment of Casa Portuguesa (Portuguese House) in St. Petersburg, and the appointment of the first Portuguese consul in Russia. Within the scope of this project, that will be concluded in 2012, it will be published in English, Russian and Portuguese the work A Rússia de Catarina a Grande vista pelos portugueses (1779-1781) (The Russia of Catherine the Great as seen by the Portuguese 1779-1781) that is part of an unpublished manuscript of great importance to the history of the Russian Empire and also the work A Rússia, Portugal e a Real Companhia Velha (1756-1834)(Russia, Portugal and Real Companhia Velha – 1756-1834) that is being prepared. It is also intended the organization of an International Seminar on the relations between Portugal and Russia at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century.

Coordinator - Fernando de Sousa