Research Projects
Within the scope of its activity, and with the aim of increasing the knowledge in areas insufficiently studied in the area of Social Sciences, CEPESE has been developing several research projects, many of them with an international scope. Among the financing entities, in addition to the FCT – either through direct financing or through multi-annual financing – other institutions are also relevant, both public and private, such as the European Science Foundation, Municipalities, the Assembly of the Republic, Ministries, Foundations and Entreprises.
The Economics of Corruption in Portugal
This multidisciplinary project aimed at analysing the economics of the corruption phenomenon in the contemporary Portuguese society.
Porto Town Halls (1820-2010)
This Project aims at presenting the history of the several buildings which served as Town Hall for the city of Porto since the establishment of Liberalism, the reasons that explain their construction and location, and their architectural and artistic characterization.
Portuguese and Italian Emigration to Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries. Demographic and Social Aspects
This Project, funded by the FCT, aims at establishing a comparative analysis between migration data and legislation on this subject produced both in Portugal and in Italy between 1876 and 1974.
Values and their influence on fashion consumption
The project “Values and their influence on fashion consumption” aimed at researching the impact of values and attitudes on the consumption trends in fashion, from a European perspective.
Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Vila Real. History and Heritage
This Project, which counts with the support of the CCDRN, aims at describing the important role that the Misericórdia of Vila Real has been playing since its foundation, at the social and humanitarian levels, and drawing attention to its relevant historical, documentary and artistic heritage.
Inventory of the Real Companhia Velha Archive
This project had as main goals the survey, inventorying and publishing of the Real Companhia Velha Archive, a unique heritage in the World, as it concerns the Alto Douro Region, classified as World Heritage Site.
Iberian Identity: the case of Portugal in the Medieval and Modern Ages
It is a project within the scope of the Research Group “Medieval and Renaissance Studies”, based on the systematization and analysis of some Portuguese chronicle texts.
Inventory of the Cultural Heritage of Real Companhia Velha
Project aiming at inventorying the rich documentary, material, iconographic and cartographic heritage of Real Companhia Velha.
Artists and Artisans from Northern Portugal (12th – 20th centuries)
This project, funded by FCT, created a database containing the artists and artisans from Northern Portugal, who have worked in this region and in other areas of the Portuguese Speaking World.
Emigration from Northern Portugal to Brazil
This Project, funded by FCT, created an online database, which contains the Portuguese emigrants to Brazil from 1822, a study based on the passports records of the districts of Northern Portugal.
History of the Mayors of Porto (1820-2007)
This Project aimed at describing the historical and biographical profile of the Mayors of Porto between 1820 and the present.
Portuguese Population. From structural characteristics to the renovation of the demographic system
This Project contributed to the preparation of a “History of the Portuguese Population”, in order to fill this serious gap regarding scientific research in Portugal.
Virtual Centre for the Cultural Heritage of the Douro Valley
With this study we aimed at contributing to the knowledge and dissemination of the exceptional historical and monumental heritage of the regions of Bragança-Zamora, verified by the unique artistic and cultural value of the cities that compose those two regions.
Characterization of the social functions performed by the Municipality of Porto
This Research Project aimed at describing the social functions under the competence of and performed by the Municipality of Porto at the present time, namely in areas such as education, health and social care.
Military Orders: chronicles and chroniclers
The aim of this project was the publishing of works by Friar Jerónimo Román about the Portuguese Military Orders, as for example "Historia da Ínclita Cavalaria de Cristo na Coroa dos Reinos de Portugal", among others.
Portuguese Photographic Heritage Project
The Foto Beleza Collection, consisting of around 450 000 photos, is a unique, indispensable heritage for the knowledge of the History of Contemporary Portugal.
Douro / Duero Virtual2 Project
This Project, presented within the scope of the INTERREG III-A Program, was rated excellent and will help reinforce the cross-border cultural cooperation.