International Cooperation
Commercial Association of Bahia CEPESE and the Commercial Association of Bahia concluded in December 2012 a protocol recognizing the multiple benefits of collaboration within the Economic, Social and Cultural Relations between Portugal and Brazil, aiming to deepen the discussion and debate on these issues and to share experiences and knowledge within them. |
CERU - Centre for Rural and Urban Studies Recognizing the multiple advantages of collaboration within the Portugal-Brazil relations, particularly in the field of migrations between the two countries, CEPESE and CERU - Centre for Rural and Urban Studies (University of São Paulo) celebrated in April 2012 a collaboration protocol for, for the promotion of relevant initiatives regarding teaching and research, including the participation in conferences and seminars, the organization of joint activities and the development of research activities of common interest. |
University of Salamanca In May 2011, it was signed a cooperation agreement between CEPESE and the University of Salamanca, Spain, with the objective of carrying out joint publications related to different manifestations of Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian cultures, as well as promote the co-organization of cultural events and of research activities leading to the creation and dissemination of technological knowledge. |
Fluminense Federal University CEPESE and Fluminense Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, signed in 2011 an academic cooperation agreement with the aim of promoting and encouraging the exchange of researchers between the two institutions, the host of undergraduates and post-graduates, collaboration on joint research projects, and the organization of conferences, seminars and other common activities. |
Brazilian Institute of History and Geography CEPESE and the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute signed in 2010 a cooperation agreement with the aim of promoting the exchange of researchers between the two institutions, with a view to holding conferences, seminars and debates in relevant areas, and the organization of common scientific activities. |
University of Leon CEPESE and the University of León signed in 2010 a cooperation agreement with the aim of promoting the exchange of researchers between the two institutions, aiming at conducting research activities, as well as the joint organization of scientific meetings. |
University of Lleida CEPESE and the University of Lleida (Catalonia) signed in 2010 a cooperation agreement with the aim of promoting and encouraging exchange programmes for professors and researchers, their participation in conferences and seminars, research programmes, exchange of information relevant to projects and the achievement of training activities. |
Foundation for Research Support of the State of Amazonas The Foundation for Research Support of the State of Amazonas (FAPEAM) and CEPESE signed, in 2010, a cooperation agreement in which both parties mutually decide to develop cooperation activities for research and development in areas such as Science and Technology, namely through the exchange of researchers within the scope of this Agreement. |
Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of South America The Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of South America (FEDERASUR) and CEPESE signed, in 2010, a cooperation agreement in which CEPESE agrees to advertise all the information and activities that are organized by FEDERASUR in Portugal, namely trade missions, fairs, exhibitions and seminars; FEDERASUR agrees to provide information concerning events of economic, social and cultural nature which are held in South American countries; and in which both parties provide access to their databases. |
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Federal University of São Paulo The Federal University of São Paulo and CEPESE established, in 2010, an academic cooperation agreement aiming at promoting and encouraging professors and researchers exchange programs to conduct courses and seminars; implementing programs of scientific and/or educational activities for their professors and researchers, as well as graduate and post-graduate students; and cooperating in the planning for conducting research works of interest to both parties. |
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University of Extremadura The University of Extremadura and CEPESE signed, in 2010, a cooperation agreement aiming at developing specific joint works in areas such as educational cooperation; international mobility; and research and dissemination of information. The latter, aiming at intensifying the mutual knowledge, will result in the organization of symposia, workshops and short courses; the joint promotion of the publishing of works in the research areas of both institutions; the promotion of activities developed by both institutions through their websites; exchange of issues of periodicals for promotion within the scope of history, in particular social and human sciences. |
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University of Santiago de Compostela In 2010, it was established a cooperation agreement for research activities between the University of Santiago de Compostela and CEPESE. In this agreement both entities agree to mutually cooperate within the scope of the execution of research and development projects, and programs of training of research and technical staff. It also contemplates the mutual assistance in matters concerning activities of both parties, as well as the organization and execution of activities related to social promotion of research and Technological development. |
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Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali CEPESE and Istituto di Richerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali of CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, in Italy, signed, in 2010, a cooperation agreement agreeing in participating in relevant initiatives within the scope of education and research including the participation of professors and researchers in conferences, seminars and debates; organizing joint activities, when relevant; developing research project of common interest; and cooperating in academic activities when important for both institutions. |
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University of Buenos Aires CEPESE and the University of Buenos Aires established in 2009, through the Faculdad de Filosofía y Letras, more precisely through the Grupo de Estudios de Historia de Brasil y Portugal (GEHBP), a cooperation agreement aiming at editing and co-editing works; carrying out joint research projects approved by mutual consent; organizing conferences, seminars, colloquia and courses; exchanging scientific and technologic information; exchanging books, documents and bibliography; and disseminating the activities established in the agreement.
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FAPERJ The Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio de Janeiro and CEPESE, acknowledging the importance of the cooperation between Brazil and Portugal in the Science and Technology field and the need to contribute to the interchange between both countries in this field, renewed in 2009 the already existing agreement aiming at the practical implementation of that cooperation, namely through the accomplishment of joint scientific projects, conferences, debates and exchange of scientists and researchers. This agreement has already had practical results with the cooperation in the project Emigration from Northern Portugal to Brazil which included researchers from FAPERJ. It should be pointed out that it was the first time that FAPERJ established a cooperation agreement with a non-governmental entity. |
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Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro CEPESE and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro signed, in 2009, a cooperation agreement in which they agree to develop joint activities of research, debates, seminars, colloquia, exchange of researchers and scientific information. |
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Cátedra Jaime Cortesão CEPESE signed an agreement, in 2008, with the Cátedra Jaime Cortesão, a body of the Philosophy, Arts and Human Sciences Faculty of the University of São Paulo, which resulted of an agreement established between the Portuguese Government and that University, which was joined, in 1997, by the Camões Institute. It is another important step towards the strengthening of the internationalization of CEPESE, namely in Brazil, thus aiming to strengthen the scientific dialog between Portugal and Brazil in fields such as History and Social and Human Sciences in general. |
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Federal University of Bahia In 2008 it was signed an agreement between CEPESE and the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), to maintain a Technical, Scientific and Cultural Exchange, aiming at developing by both institution research programs, academic activities, seminars and publications, as well as the cooperation among researchers in the field of Artistic Relations between Portugal and Brazil. |
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Mackenzie Presbyterian University The Mackenzie Presbyterian University and CEPESE signed, in 2008, a cooperation agreement aiming at the exchange of researchers and students; the development of joint research activities; and the participation in seminars and academic meetings. |
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Rio de Janeiro State University The Rio de Janeiro State University and CEPESE established, in 2008, an agreement aiming at the development of teaching and/or research related activities connected to the fields studied by both institutions; the organization of symposia, conferences, short courses in research areas, the promotion of joint publications; and the exchange of information important for education and research in each institution. |
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National University of Distance Education CEPESE and the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (National University of Distance Education) signed in 2007 an agreement aiming at promoting the participation of professors and researchers of both institutions in programs of joint responsibility, as well as research work of interest for both parties, namely on Portuguese and Spanish Emigration to Latin America. |
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Portuguese Literary Lyceum Taking into consideration the relation between Portugal and Brazil, the bonds of friendship that unite us, the Portuguese language as an element of union and, in particular, the phenomenon of emigration as a structural reality between both countries, CEPESE and the Liceu Literário Português (Portuguese Literary Lyceum) established, in 2007, a cooperation agreement aiming at cooperating in joint activities of common interest, by making available the human and material resources and the necessary funding, including the participation of researchers in conferences and seminars, in order to promote the development of Portuguese-Brazilian relations in scientific and cultural areas. |
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Catholic University of São Paulo In 2007, CEPESE established a cooperation agreement with the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, taking into consideration the historical-cultural proximity relation between Portugal and Brazil, and the scientific capacity of both institutions in fields such as Social and Human Sciences in general and Contemporary History in particular. This agreement aims at contributing to the development of joint research activities, promoting the organization of seminars and the exchange of researchers and information, in a first phase, regarding Portuguese emigration to Brazil, encouraging the reflection on this theme. |
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Royal Portuguese Reading Office Within the scope of the cultural relations between Portugal and Brazil, where the Portuguese language is an union element, the political and economic aspects as a renewed factor of cooperation, and history and culture as promoting the existing friendship bonds, the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura (Royal Portuguese Reading Office) and CEPESE established, in 2007, a cooperation agreement, suitable to the interests of both entities, and translates the mutual interest in deepening the debate on themes connected to the relations between both countries, in particular as far as migration is concerned, with the common goal of sharing experiences and knowledge, in scientific and cultural areas. |
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Santa María la Real Foundation CEPESE and Fundación Santa María la Real- Centro de Estudios del Románico (Santa Maria la Real Foundation – Romanesque Research Centre) established, in 2007, a cooperation agreement, with the goal of encouraging studies and research on Romanesque Art and Medieval Culture, through the organization of activities that promote the protection and enrichment of the Portuguese and Spanish heritage and the promotion in Portugal and abroad of the activities of both entities, as well as the exchange of publications, researchers and experiences. |
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Université de Strasbourg – Louis Pasteur CEPESE and the University of Strasbourg established, in 2007, scientific cooperation agreement, in which both parties agree to promote the participation of their researchers in programs of joint responsibility and cooperation in organizing cultural and social activities. |
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Federal University of Rio de Janeiro This academic and technical, scientific and cultural exchange cooperation agreement was established between CEPESE and the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in 2007, with the aim of developing joint research activities, debates, seminars and exchange of researchers and information, connected to the theme “Artistic Relations between Portugal and Brazil”. |
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Historical Demography in Latin America Research Centre (CEDHAL) CEPESE and the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), through CEDHAL, signed, in 1998, an agreement that aims at promoting, developing and implementing the scientific cooperation in areas of common interest to both parties, the activities of which will be timely determined in a specific agreement to be signed by both parties. |
CECIERJ – Centre for Science and Distance Higher Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro Foundation CEPESE and the Centre for Science and Distance Higher Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro Foundation are preparing a cooperation agreement within the scope of the development of technical and scientific interdisciplinary projects, namely through the development of educational contents; the participation in joint projects for the development of educational contents; and the participation in joint projects for training human resources. |
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Council for Galician Culture CEPESE and Consello da Cultura Galega (Council for Galician Culture) are finalizing the establishment of a cooperation agreement within the scope of the Portugal/Galicia relations – in particular within the scope of emigration to Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries -, in scientific and educational aspects aiming at deepening the discussion and debate concerning this and other themes, as well as sharing experiences and knowledge within that scope. |
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Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia – Università degli Studi di Verona Within the scope of the research project Emigration from Northern Portugal to Brazil, began the process of preparing a cooperation agreement between CEPESE and Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia da Università degli Studi di Verona, aiming at promoting joint studies that show the importance of the Portuguese and Italian emigration to Brazil. |
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FRAH – Hispanic-Portuguese Rei Afonso Henriques Foundation CEPESE and FRAH – Fundação luso-espanhola Rei Afonso Henriques (Hispanic-Portuguese Rei Afonso Henriques Foundation) together with the Universities of León, Salamanca and Valladolid, organize regularly International Meetings concerning the theme “Portugal – Spain Relations”, which count with the participation of Portuguese, Spanish and French researcher as well as from other nationalities to discuss this theme. Three meetings have already been held. |