"Human Rights and Citizenship" - Lecture by Tina Whittington

Next Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, at 6:00 PM, CEPESE will host an open lecture by Tina Whittington, director of DRH Lindersvold (Denmark).

Tina Whittington will address the relevance of human rights and full citizenship for younger generations. Involving young people or young adults in field-based educational experiences of a humanitarian nature may be one of the solutions to revitalize full citizenship, human rights, and the promotion of Sustainable Development Goals.

Tina Whittington has been the director of DRH Lindervold (Travelling School for Change), Danish Folk High School for Adult Students (Denmark), for several years. She is responsible for training programs that enable students to understand the political, economic, and social impacts on the most vulnerable and poor people in the world, allowing youngsters to develop their skills and competencies to work in the field of international sustainable development with partners managing projects in various countries, especially in Southern Africa.

DRH Lindervold works in university and research contexts, particularly collaborating on curricular internships (Master's in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation, and Development) and CEPESE's thematic research area on Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies.

The lecture will be live through the following link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92474808197