Seminar - The European Parliament and the 2024 European Elections

The seminar ‘The European Parliament and the 2024 European Elections: Challenges and Answers’ will take place on 29 May at 2.30pm in the Salão Nobre of the Fernando Pessoa University.

Another election to the European Parliament will be held on 9 June. As part of the project ‘The Future of Europe’, CEPESE and the Fernando Pessoa University are organising this seminar, so that we can reflect on the current state of European integration and the challenges it faces. At the Fernando Pessoa University there is a long tradition of European Studies, academically specialised, but also dedicated to wide dissemination, both within and outside the university.

Admission is free.



 Moderator: Judite de Freitas (Fernando Pessoa University and CEPESE)


‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place": the position of the European Parliament in the European Union's Institutional System

Paulo Vila Maior (FLUC and CEIS20, University of Coimbra)


The Conference on the Future of Europe: deliberative democracy and European priorities

Isabel Costa Leite (Fernando Pessoa University and CEPESE)


Reasons for the rise of populism in Europe

João Casqueira Cardoso (Fernando Pessoa University and CEPESE)


The EU's Strategic Agenda: perspectives and challenges

Carla Pinto Rebelo (Fernando Pessoa University)


Human and Fundamental Rights in the European Union: (i)reality(ies)

Ana Campina (Fernando Pessoa University and CEPESE)


War drums and elections: EP 2024

Cláudia Toriz Ramos (Fernando Pessoa University and CEPESE)